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AaronShirt LLC - Snoopy Friends Detroit Lions Christmas Tree T-Shirts

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As she grew older, Himid lost many of her childhood aunts—and increasingly found herself playing the role. “I now try to make a meaningful contribution to other people’s lives,” she says. This reflection led her to create larger versions of her previous wood-plank installations, Drowned Orchard: Secret Boatyard, a 2014 work of 16 planks, and Old Boat / New Money from 2019, which consisted of 32 planks. Each of her 64 aunts has a distinct personality: “My team and I collected wood from everywhere we had—garages, basements, workshops, workshops,” says Himid. After assembling the planks from salvaged parts, Himid began painting them and gluing pieces of ribbon, fabric, text, or even toys. (At least one unsealed shuttlecock caught my eye.

“Everybody I spoke to about this project, you could tell they wished their aunt had painted it, and it was really extraordinary,” she says. It’s an ode to care, in all its forms. Himid’s strategic paintings find groups of black men and women trying to solve, or at least discuss, the world’s problems using everyday objects as metaphors. “I’m painting the moment between a question and an answer,” Himid says. “But of course, when people are trying to solve big problems, they often have big problems among themselves.”

The most obvious outsider is Merritt, the mistress of patriarch Tag Winbury. That Missoni dress—which she wears for most of the series—is certainly expensive. But it’s not exactly expensive. It looks more like something someone would wear among Don Julio 1942—partygoers at a Miami pool—than among people at a New England country club. There’s a general expectation of modesty in these places; such institutions often have strict dress codes that forbid exposing shoulders and midriffs or wearing casual clothes, like denim and flip-flops. When another outsider, middle-class Amelia Sacks, comes running down the stairs in her underwear, you can feel the entire Winbury family wince, Where’s her robe? "At least my wife matches that damn wallpaper," Tom Winbury sneered during an argument with his brother, Benji, who was to marry Amelia the next day.

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