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AaronShirt LLC - Slipknot On Dec 8 2024 At Schleyer-Halle In Stuttgart, Germany Concert T-Shirts

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In 2021, the Lost Tribe design team had to come up with designs for a 2023 carnival that wasn’t yet a reality. The government had been strict during the coronavirus pandemic and, at times, imposed a curfew from nine in the evening until five in the morning. “At the time when I came up with [the] theme, you know, my designers was feeling very heavy,” Maharaj says. “They were like, ‘Well, we designing for a carnival that we don’t even know if it exists,’ because we had to design before Trinidad government said, ‘Yes, we having a carnival.’” Maharaj sensed that morale was low, but kept carnival Tuesday in mind.

The yield this year was the most fashionable costumes on the road in Trinidad and Tobago Carnival, and the Lost Tribe won the title of large band of the year by the National Carnival Commission, besting all of the troupes on the road. “You know the saying ‘a bird is a bird; a fish is a fish,’ like, I couldn’t do that,” Maharaj says. “I felt like there was something artistic that needed to be said. And that’s why I really wanted to give my designers the opportunity to be very abstract.”

I remember the first time I took note of the balaclava. It was a little over a year ago, at a crowded house party in deep Brooklyn. A lanky, twenty-something man wore a bright orange balaclava despite the tropical microclimate created by all the packed, dancing bodies. He took nonchalant sips from a red Solo cup, mesmerizingly comfortable in his anonymity. At that time, I viewed the moment as eccentric and kooky. Who wears a balaclava if they’re not in the arctic or planning a heist? Though balaclavas also known as ski masks have been popular for a long time in frigid locales such as Eastern and Northern Europe, they weren’t as common in a city like New York. But perhaps their relative out-of-placeness is what made them a great candidate for trend-forward New York style. Colorful, striped balaclavas like the ones sold by Marni and Ella Emhoff catches your eye, but also obscures the identity of the wearer. It places all your attention on the clothes, not the person.

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