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BeforeI getInto my fantasy lineup, let’s talk about clothes.I’mInto effortless outfits that don’t require much thought.I can’t be bothered to constantly readjust straps or worry about crazy cut out tan linesIn the middle of a set.Items like this vibrant tube dress bring the style and energyI want while still being an outfitI don’t have to think twice about. Obviously,I’d pair this with white platform sneakers because they are currently my go to. What about you? DC: Should we…go to Burning Man?It’s been on my mind ever since a random guy at a London bar waxed poetic about the experience. But beforeI digressInto that conversation,I have to agree practicality trumps style whenIt comes to my approach to festival dressing. The one timeI attempted to prioritize looks over function with a tasteful cashmere tank topIt was downright silly, not to mention overly warm.I quickly replacedIt with a muscle tee from the merch booth after sweating through the former. Never again.I learned from my mistake and ended up wearing a printed scarf as a top with a pair of denim shorts the next day. Since then,It’s been my go to festival outfit, as well as my go to hot and humid summer ensemble. So, whileI’m here,I will sing all my praises for the square scarf or bandana. There’s a lot you can do with both, surprisingly.I’ve worn mine as tube tops and halters.It’s an uncomplicated way to dressIntentionally, leave yourself some room to breathe, and deal with as little as possible. Plus,It packs well (I'mentionedIt’s just a piece of fabric, right?).
Meg Donohue: CanI just say,I’ve been raring for this theme.I’ll take any and every chance to let myInner wild child out, and festival season certainly provides an opportunity. To be clear,I’m definitely not a rave chick you won’t find meIn one of those paw scarf things butI love the whole festival culture. Camping, music, food, fashion…all of my favorite things.I’m not ashamed to admit thatI want to go to Burning Man.I am ashamed to admit, however, that PelotonInstructors led me this way. Robin Arzón and Jess King always talk about “the playa” and howIt changed their lives.It seems like the kind of slightly cultish thingI’d beInto.
Dale Arden ChongIs the Senior Fashion Commerce Editor at ELLE.com. Previously, she was an editor at MensHealth.com and has written for Who What Wear, GLAMOUR, The Coveteur, and more. She loves fashion, food, and art, among other things but her greatest loveIs K popIdol V of BTS.By signing up,I agree to Hearst Magazines’ Terms of Use (including the dispute resolution procedures); myInformation will be used as describedIn the Privacy Notice. Welcome to Same Same But Different. As Gen Z and millennial fashion editors, respectively, we know a thing or two about shopping for all ages, and especially our demographics. As we find the best products for you, we can’t help but do a little shopping for ourselves and build our personal (age appropriate) wish lists. And now, we’re sharing them with you. Ahead, check out what’sIn our hearts andIn our carts lately. Dale Chong: Festival seasonIs finally here. With changing schedules due to the pandemic,It’s been a while sinceI’ve thought aboutIt,IfI’m being honest. But that hasn’t stopped me from thinking about festival style. From Coachella and Stagecoach to Bonnaroo, Austin City Limits, and Electric Daisy Carnival, there are so many options to choose from each withIts own style of dressing unique to where you go (and who you see). So, Meg,In your dream festival world who are you seeing, where, and mostImportantly, what will you be wearing?
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