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AaronShirt LLC - Northwestern Wildcats 2024 NCAA Division I Field Hockey National Champions T-Shirts

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There are two Mean Girls-inspired options here: a sexy Santa outfit to pay homage to the Plastics' iconic dance, or a tank top (maybe revealing your chest) and a pink miniskirt if you want to play Burn Book at Regina's house. You can channel Dunder Mifflin's most famous couple with some simple office attire. For Pam, it's half-tied hair and a modest skirt, a white blouse, and a pink sweater. For Jim, it's loose hair and a button-down shirt with a tie. Don't forget to give each other a loving look every now and then.

There are few movies as haunting as Black Swan, and Nina and Lily also happen to be the perfect couple to dress up as for Halloween. Both costumes can include tutus, feathers, and crowns. Just decide in advance who will be the white swan and who will be the black swan. Are you and your best friend big fans of Clueless? All you have to do this Halloween is find plaid dresses and coats: for Cher, yellow, and for Dionne, dark blue with a fancy hat to complete the look.

Anyone born in the late 80s or early 90s will tell you that Doug was a huge part of their growing up. Live out your childhood fantasies by imitating Patti with a blonde wig, a blue shirt with pink spots (drawn, sewn, whatever you can!), a dark skirt, and pink loafers. For Doug, a white shirt with a green vest and cargo shorts will leave no question about who you were destined to be. Both cartoon characters wear sneakers with high socks, but we’ll make that optional.

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