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It also had to do with the continual search for something more. Caccuri’s work lived in the hall on the way to Bo Bardi’s bedroom: It incorporated a speaker playing an audio track looping one sung word, “utopia,” accompanied by harmonies from a church organ, loosely covered by a gauzy veil. “It’s this specter of the past, still linked to the present,” Caccuri said. “This idea of utopia, of an ideal society, this coexistence, living together. We can all grasp with our hands the idea that it’s not tangible. This idea is what we desire.”

Bo Bardi was an equal appreciator of the high and the low in a way that feels distinctly modern today and difficult to conceive of in the 1950s. She created spaces unlike many modernists of her age: full of light, referencing the wattle-and-daub shelters and wooden floors and thatched roofs of rubber tappers as easily as the creations of Gio Ponti and Le Corbusier. Bo Bardi collected and displayed medieval and renaissance works alongside contemporary ones, pieces she made, and those brought over by famous artist friends and found on the streets or in marketplaces. She was a proponent of Brazil’s indigenous artworks when few collectors even classified them as such.

Gn himself plans to increase his gift by another 250 pieces or so. “Like a good father, I want my clothes to have a life of their own, in the right conditions,” he offered. The designer is currently in discussions with a handful of museums in Europe and the US about taking his show on the road, perhaps as early as next year. “Singapore may not be the largest country, but its eclectic, open spirit means we can definitely communicate with the world in the language of beauty and art,” he said.Vist our store at: AaronShirt LLCThis product belong to nang




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